Triond Compared Expert Column, Sign Up For Expert Column, Pay Pal Id, And Other Suggested Sites
Expert column is very similar to Triond.Authors on Triond write just for the pleasure of others being able to view their work.On Triond individuals can write about poetry, business, beauty, and much more.
Expert column is pretty similar.Each time an article is published you earn cents in a day! In the short period I have been with Expert Column i have earned .36 cents in just a week.I am just getting started on this site and don’t have but six articles posted and I am already earning.
Like Triond, writers learn a little extra money just for writing for others.Each article is posted in a main forum for everyone to view.
Before you can request a payout you need to earn a minimum of five dollars.
For the pay pal option, several people ask what the valid id will be for the payment provider.Simply put the email that was used for signing up for a PayPal and hit submit.It will not show anything highlighted after submitting.However, your email will be saved in the bar for future payment.
The expert column has earned me more for my views.Instead of only earning every so many views, you earn more for each view.There are stats pages that will the columns, view, referring sites, and some keywords used to search.Keep in mind though that if they click on your article without searching that no keywords will appear.However, this can be useful information to know.
So far I have a total of 20 views by other users and I have earned .36 cents.Not too bad.I just thought I would share some information about this site with my readers.
I have signed up for a few other sites to help share my articles, poetry, and useful research I have found through research for school.But only a few do I stick to consistently.Some of the other sites I am on is text broker, digg, constant content, Reddit and Slashdot.