More than one type of security exits. Proprietary security is a type of security used by the owner of the business. Proprietary Security will include complete responsibility for the hiring, firing, and management. Contract security may include these same services through different companies with a contract.
Either type of security will include benefits and have disadvantages. The overall cost, control, consistency, effectiveness, and liability are important to address to find the appropriate type of security. In a business sometimes cost can be an issue. Cost is very important to consider. However, there are other considerations to address. If a
Roles of Security
The role of security is to improve a business and the protections, quality, and future performance. The main goals of security personnel are to detect, deter, observe, and report. Security will look at any problems and use the goals of security to find better solutions, safeguards, and procedures. Security will come in many forms but all of them have the same common goals. Some of the things that security may look at and try to find solutions for are the quality of training, hiring practices, personnel qualifications, supervision, management, contracts, and compensation.
Proprietary Security has many different advantages such as better consistency, training for specific needs, and the security personnel are trained to balance different types of behaviors towards the employees. The behavior of this type of security will differ in some ways because of the training and are more beneficial in loyalty, incentive, knowledge, control, image, communication.
Contract Security is a type of security from other companies that provides the same services. Some of the advantages of contract security are the flexibility when it comes to personnel. Contract Security makes it easier to replace personnel and employees in situations such as absenteeism or impartiality. Also contract security will have advantages in administration, selection, discipline, training, cost, and expertise.